Thursday, February 18, 2010


i watched the devil tonight
in a top hat and cape of red
breathing smoke and drinking fire
stealing wine
the king of rags, the pope of junkyards
grinning with sinister delight
throwing and shaking and beating
the hearts tied to ribbons
which scream for escape
yet dance in his trance
she called him a snake charmer
and refused to be a snake
i saw it beneath shooting stars
upon the tower prison of a princess
heart defiled
within the sharp of winter he held her eyes
"don't fall under the basket," i whisper
i watch from the right invisible
and if the church doesn't tell me a rooster does
but time is the ocean, just like us
and i could be anywhere
perhaps it is hell, perhaps i am not here
he stuck his tongue out at the devil
i will never come back
though he'll haunt me in my dreams
because he fucked my soul
i am bleeding again, it will cleanse me of this
can't paint it any color but red
i watched the devil tonight and knew his name
and when he looked at my face
through my hatred he drew my smile
i kissed him goodbye, both cheeks, this lie
and hated myself for wanting to kiss his mouth
so i must leave this place,
but someday when he explodes
i'll feel it and weep
perhaps cry with relief

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