Friday, February 26, 2010


why to you hate yourself?
why do you kill yourself?
why do you make yourself so ugly
when you are truly brilliant and beautiful?
or really a dumbass snake
just a little charmed fool?
how do i hang on?
why do i throw it out?
all these years, years gone by
what am i fishing for anyway?
when i have it all safe and cozy
but i steal away
to walk through that old swamp again and again
in the dark
the gators can't get me
i wrestle, dance,
and slip by the snakes
but the leaches sometimes kill me a little
i can not forget to pull them off
to be free again
get the fuck out of the swamp dumby
it is creepy and unnecessary!
get out.

go on a fucking picnic already
in a sunny place
where pink flowers fall from the sky
raining beautiful all around you
don't get bit
enjoy the beauty, the grace
say goodbye first
you are lost enough already
go home
scoop up your loves
and win
be the big winner
of the most fabulous prize of all
and soak up the kisses and the lovin
and love it
and give it all back
don't take it for granted
don't scatter all of your magic
to the winds
plant the most where it counts
make your garden divine,
your castle strong,
your temple holy,
your sweethearts happy.

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